In light of growing client preference for convenience and flexibility in how they pick up a package, more businesses are recognizing the benefits associated with integrating a smart locker system into their services.
Smart Lockers Explained
A smart locker is a storage solution that has integrated technology built into it, allowing it to automate package delivery, notification, and distribution. This enables clients with smart package lockers to simplify the package pickup process, making it more convenient for their customers.
Once a package is delivered into a smart locker system, the recipient is automatically notified that their package is ready for pickup and provided access instructions. Access instructions generally take the form of an access code, order number, or barcode that they can scan. Once they arrive at the locker location, the user enters their verification information at the kiosk touch screen or accesses their assigned locker using a mobile app. Once the verification information is entered correctly the door to the correct locker will open and the customer will be able to retrieve their package.