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Get In The Game With Digital Mail

Get In The Game With Digital Mail


Currently, mail is arriving at the office right now, but your company isn’t there to process it. Employees are working remotely and can’t access vital mail in order to do their jobs.

Whether you’re working from home during uncertain times, a traveler, want to embrace a location-independent lifestyle, or simply want digital convenience, the question still remains the same: how do you handle your postal mail remotely?

If you’re looking to upgrade your mailing solution into something safe, convenient, versatile, and flexible, that’s where The Millennium Group’s (TMG’S) Digital Mail solution comes in. Digital Mail offers a permanent solution so that you can work remotely without worrying about accessing your physical postal mail. It’s an online solution that gives you 24/7 access, email notifications, and the ability to view and manage mail securely with the click of a button.

All of the mail handled is safely encrypted and are only accessible to the recipient. Mail is professionally handled with the highest security standards. Mail is processed in a Hi-Trust Certified and HI­PAA Compliant processing center. We’re serious about security and are constantly reviewing and improving our security measures.

Your physical mail is available to you online, including: mail notifications, online viewing of mail, mail opening and scanning, mail forwarding, mail shredding, and mail disposal. It is the safest way for you to manage your mail during these uncertain times, and it comes with additional long-term advantages for your business. Digital Mail provides a streamlined digital document solution and saves time so you can focus on what really matters in your business. It also gives you a paperless office solution that automates, eliminates junk mail, and lets you skip the hassle and wasted time of opening and sorting your mail manually.

“Digital mail offers organizations visibility into the incoming mail volume. For the first time Mail Managers have hard data about where mail comes from, and how much mail employees or departments receive. This visibility enables smart decision-making about how to better manage mail processes and costs. With this technology and innovation, TMG is adds to our clients’ success,” says Staci Gronefeld, Associate Director of Client Services, TMG

Overall, you will be able to manage your mail in real-time and automate tedious tasks that will save you time while staying safe and connected. Route your mail to TMG, we’ll scan it, upload it, and route it to you!

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