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Handling physical mail and correspondence the old-fashioned way – manually – is a monotonous task. Technology continues to advance, so your office should as well. The Millennium Group can help you improve inbound mail processing. Digital Mail Services from TMG provides a robust platform with flexibility to service basic mail scanning, as well as more advanced image scanning and work-flow integrations. Implementing a digital mailroom benefits not only the company, but the associates and customers as well. Digital Mail is also paperless, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly method. Keep reading to learn about four major benefits of implementing a digital mailroom.


An automated mailroom provides accelerated mail delivery. Faster deliveries not only make things easier for the mail operator, but enhance customer satisfaction. Customer response time is greatly accelerated which is especially significant when handling time-sensitive mail. It also organizes and creates a better workflow for your business leading to better satisfaction for all parties involved.  Essentially, mail is delivered instantly, to the intended person, at the right time.


Mail security is crucial. TMG has a processing center in New Jersey that is HITRUST Certified – HIPPA Compliant. The data has a private (wholly owned) Network & Secure FTP with Encryption to ensure customer privacy. All computers are equipped with Virus and Intrusion Protection as added safety. There is also limited computer system access and customer mandated archive policies. Your mail is tracked from the second it is scanned until it is delivered to you. And even after that, it is still stored on the digital cloud storage until you request for it to be deleted. This process speeds turnaround time. Monitoring and tracking all mail in the mailroom will reassure all parties involved that their mail is secure and guarantee pieces of mail are never lost again.


All digital mail correspondences are cloud-based, which means that you can receive your mail wherever you are and more importantly, decide what to do with it. Amidst COVID-19, implementation of digital mailrooms saw a spike. With more than half the world working remotely, businesses needed digital mailrooms. So, wherever you are, you can receive your mail digitally and decide what to do with it from there – whether it be to open, forward, recycle, or shred it. Mailroom operators have the ability to add as many customers as they like and once the account is created, the consumer will receive login credentials to begin using the service.


Being paperless has its advantages, like being eco-friendly. In addition, businesses see a reduction in operational costs, improved customer service and save money while doing so. A digital mailroom reduces your reliance on manual processes, so its automation system results in better productivity using less labor. Mail operators are also free to focus on more valuable tasks due to the efficiency of the software. On top of that, companies will see instant savings from paper storage and delivery fees since it virtually eliminates the cost of physical mail delivery.


Implementing digital mailrooms is beneficial to various types of industries, such as higher education clients, insurance clients, financial clients, eCommerce clients, etc. With faster delivery, secure software, remote management and reduced costs, implementing digital mail in the workplace is a no brainer. Upgrade your office with advanced technology.

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